Where was henri christophe borna
Henri christophe family
Henri Christophe was a key leader in the Haitian Revolution and the only monarch of the Kingdom of Haiti.
Where was henri christophe borna
The Palace of Sans-Souci, or Sans-Souci Palace (French: Palais Sans Souci, was the principal royal residence of Henry I, King of Haiti, better known as Henri Christophe.
Where was henri christophe borna born
Born a slave on Grenada, Christophe became the property of a ship captain and then the chattel of Saint-Domingue sugar planter Master Badechi, who soon put him to work at Couronne, a .
Where was henri christophe borna found
The Shakespearean drama of Haitian revolutionary Henry Christophe’s life is revealed in all its glorious color and complexity in Marlene L. Daut’s superb The First and Last .